"My Cat, she hates Christmas 
An obvious fact 
You can tell that it's true 
By the way she will act 
She hates it so much 
And I don't mean to boast 
But if yours hates it too 
Then mine hates it the most! 
She thinks she's so clever 
To avoid altercations 
She'll wait 'til I'm gone 
To break my decorations 
If ever I cover 
My things with fake snow 
She'll quickly decide 
That it all has to go 
She'll knock the tree over 
To crash on the floor 
I'll pick it back up 
but she'll do it once more! 
She'll break all the jingle bells 
So they won't ring 
Then meow at the carolers 
When they try to sing 
Her litter box kills
All Christmassy whiffs 
She'll claw at the presents 
To expose all the gifts 
She sheds all December 
And never will care 
If my mug of eggnog 
Gets covered in hair 
I look at her strange 
She looks at me stranger 
As she lays atop 
The nativity manger 
But come Christmas morning 
She'll bolt to the tree 
And sniff at the gifts, asking 
"Which one's for me?" 
And when she finds hers 
It brings her such joy 
To find 12 cans of tuna 
And new catnip toy 
She'll eat all the tuna 
And then she will play 
With her new catnip toy 
For the rest of the day 
She doesn't hate Christmas! 
That's easy to see! 
But if she doesn't hate Christmas 
...She must just hate me!" 
Character design, animation, illustration, music, narration all done by myself, Ben Sanczel.
Follow me on most social media @bsanczel 
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